Current projects look tame by comparison, at least the projects they will talk about. But we are assured that more life-changing inventions are under development. Some of the projects that they will talk about include:

Knowing that you are about to be destroyed in the next few milliseconds is not much consolation, so DARPA developed the "Iron Curtain," a somewhat bulky add-on to a Humvee that both detects and destroys incoming RPGs before that can strike the vehicle.
Iron Curtain and several of the other devices mentioned here were the subject of a National Geographic special titled "America's Secret Weapons Lab." It was broadcast today and will be rebroadcast 11 December.
DARPA is also developing a self-generating network for field communication and situational awareness. For example, three or more Humvees using Boomerang could precisely pinpoint the location of a sniper or grenade launcher and communicate that information to all vehicles and personnel in the area.

The Foliage Penetration Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and Engagement Radar (FORESTER) can be carried aloft by unmanned helicopters and see through foliage to detect troops and vehicles not otherwise visible.
Perhaps their best-known project is the DARPA Grand Challenge, first issued in 2004 with a $1,000,000 grand prize for the first autonomous vehicle capable of negotiating a long obstacle course in a limited amount of time with no external control other than start and stop. Hundreds of teams have participated from high schools, universities, businesses and other organizations. The only requirement is that at least one member of the team be a US citizen. The prize was increased to $2,000,000 in 2005 and was finally claimed in 2007. The first, second and third places winners in the 2007 Urban Challenge received $2 million (CarnegieMellon, 4 hrs, 10 mins,) $1 million (Stanford), and $500,000 (Virginia Tech), respectively.
And there are hundreds of other projects that you can get an idea about by going to the DARPA web site list of on-going programs.
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